Rule Functions
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How to Calculate SUMIF in TM1
IBM does not provide a native function to calculate SUMIF in TM1. How do I calculate SUMIF in TM1 and perform a sum of values based on a user input?…
TM1 RoundUp Function: Method, Syntax and Use
The RoundUp function doesn’t exist in TM1 like it does in Excel. However, here is a really simple method to achieve exactly the same outcome. TM1 RoundUp Method The method…
INT in TM1: Finding the Largest Integer Less Than or Equal To a Specified Value
The INT function allows you to return the nearest integer less than or equal to a specified value. Syntax of INT The syntax of the INT function is simply: INT…
How to find the Largest of Two Values in TM1: MAX Function: Syntax and Use
The Max function will deliver to you the largest of two numbers. For example, if you have 50 and 100, using the MAX function will return 100. Syntax of MAX…
ELWEIGHT TM1 Function: How to Use, Syntax & Example
Ever wondered how you can use the weight assigned to an element in a hierarchy in a rule or turbo integrator process? Well, ELWEIGHT allows you to do just that!…
DAY TM1 Function: How to Use, Syntax and Example
The DAY function in TM1 is almost exactly the same as the DAY function in Excel, in that it returns the day of the month from a date. It is…
ELCOMP TM1 Function: How to Use and Syntax
The ELCOMP function in TM1 is used to derive the element at a specific position as the child of a parent. Syntax The syntax is: ELCOMP(DimName, Parent, Position) where: DimName…
ELCOMPN TM1 Function: How to Use & Syntax
The ELCOMPN function in TM1 is used to derive number of an child elements of a parent. Syntax The syntax is: ELCOMPN(DimName, Element) where: DimName is the dimension you are…
TM1 FEEDSTRINGS: What Is It and How Do You Use It
You’ve probably have across a rule that has SKIPCHECK at the start. You might have noticed that also, quite often, is another line of code right next to it in…
ELISPAR TM1 Function: Use and Syntax
ELISPAR stands for ELelemnt IS PARent, in other words, is one element in a dimension a parent of another. It is testing to see if one element is the child of…
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