TM1 pre 10.1
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Our team of talented accountants can help you find and use the tools you need to make your budgeting, forecasting analysis and reporting world class.
Neglected Functionality – Custom Rollups & Subset Consolidations
In this blog segment, we’ll look at value add features of the IBM Business Analytics software which are often overlooked and underused. In this article I’m going to explain Custom…
Fixed Width File Format from TM1
When outputting data from TM1 usually we can get away with comma separated values format. Which is standard functionality from a Turbo Integrator process [See ASCIIOutput, TextOutput functions]. Every now and then we need…
Notepad++ for TM1 Rules & TI – Updated!
With the new release of Notepad++ yesterday to v6.4.1, I thought it was a brilliant time to update the TM1 Turbo Integrator and Rules Syntax files to be based on…
Woohoo! TM1 Tuts has cracked 100,000 visits!
This is just a shout out to all the administrators, support teams and developers who have browsed or subscribed to the TM1 Tutorials blog over the last two years. Thanks, your…
How to write easily understood Turbo Integrator code
As many of TM1 consultants know, reading TI code always has the possibility of being a tricky task – especially if it is someone else’s code. This is mostly due…
Broken Transaction Log?
With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log…
Removing old TM1 Servers from "Services"
When upgrading a clients environment to IBM Cognos TM1 10.1 I noticed a bunch of older TM1 Services. A quick google reveals that you can remove services by using the…
Turbo Integrator Syntax Highlighter (Notepad++)
It is no secret that syntax highlighting script editors increase developer productivity. I regularly find myself staring at a chunk of TI processes (especially those written by someone else) for…
Back to Basics – Regions in Rules
If there is one basic technical best practise which makes TM1 Solutions more straight-forward thus sustainable which is most often not utilised it is #Regions in cube rules. Regions work the same way as…
Automating Data Transfers between TM1 Servers
Replicating a Cube from a one TM1 Server into another has never been easier. Follow the steps below to copy a cube from one server to another (this includes synchronising TM1 Dimensions)….
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